
Abandoned Subway Station Animated Battlemap

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Abandoned Subway Station Animated Battlemap


They say that you should not go to abandoned subway stations. What a nonsense! What bad things can you find there? Mutants? Vampires? Evil magicians? Let's find out.

Map properties:

  • Resoltuon: 3840x2160
  • Grid dimensions: 32x18
  • Versions: Static and Animated, Grid and Gridless, Mute and Sounded


  • Static and Animated versions - use the ones you like best
  • Mute and Sounded versions - use a ready-made sound or your own
  • Grid and Gridless versions - use a ready-made one or apply your own
  • All objects are arranged with a grid for your convenience
  • 4K resolution - you can play with any scale convenient for you
  • 4 different file formats (MP4, WEBM, JPG, WEBP) - suitable for any VTT

Also available on Roll20 Marketplace | DriveThruRPG

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1 Static and 1 Animated Battlemap in 4K Resolution

109 MB
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